The Curriculum at Ladymount.

Curriculum Intent

 At Ladymount we aim to create a safe, secure, inspiring and creative learning environment where children feel valued and happy. We want our pupils to become independent, reflective and resilient learners, who enjoy learning, are enabled to achieve excellence and experience success. We actively celebrate diversity and ensure equality of opportunity. We support pupils to be able to move smoothly through key transition points ready for the next stage of their learning.

Ladymount Catholic Primary School is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which covers all the objectives and requirements of the National Curriculum.

School leaders have used these to plan an ambitious programme which offers breadth and variety in the knowledge and skills children need to be equipped with in order to become successful, life-long learners. The progression of skills has been carefully planned and logically sequenced so that children can build on prior learning, integrating it into the acquisition of new knowledge and skills with appropriate support and challenge.

Teachers are clear about the expected outcomes for children’s learning and make provision for any children who are identified as having gaps in their knowledge or skills. Subject leaders have responsibility for ensuring that there are clear cross curricular links in order to enable children to apply and further deepen their learning in meaningful ways to support deeper learning. The curriculum is enriched with opportunities to develop children’s cultural capital. We utilise educational trips and visits throughout Wirral and beyond to further enrich children’s learning outside the classroom.

We provide a secure, stimulating environment within the context of our Catholic faith, where all pupils feel comfortable, happy, valued and respected, regardless of age, race and gender. Our pupils are encouraged and taught to be responsible citizens and to take an active role in their school, parish and the wider community. There is an active partnership between the home, school, parish and the wider community.

Our Catholic ethos permeates everything that we do in school and through our School Curriculum, Religious Education Programme and the PHSE curriculum, children learn about the importance of moral values such as honesty, respect, tolerance, sincerity, trust and personal responsibility. Led by Christ, together we grow and learn in God's family.


Teachers are knowledgeable about the content of the curriculum they are teaching. They aim to deliver key concepts or new learning using approaches best suited to individual children’s needs in order to enable pupils to understand it.

Subsequently teachers offer opportunities for pupils to embed learning in their long term memory through revisiting it, building on it, practising the skills learned and applying them with increasing confidence. The highest possible standards of children’s learning are promoted through clear teaching objectives, effective and consistent recording, monitoring and assessment.

During lessons teachers monitor pupils’ understanding and address any misunderstandings immediately to ensure that children keep pace with their peers. Formative assessment of children’s progress is carried out regularly and this is used to inform teacher’s planning.

You can see the content of the curriculum in each year group on the website, either through the Class Curriculum Overviews, or in the detailed Subject Curriculum Maps.

We have a thorough early reading and writing curriculum following the Read Write Inc. Programme for teaching phonics. The development of children’s reading skills continues to be a key focus in subsequent years, ensuring that children build up fluency, understanding and enjoyment.


Our school has an aspirational and high achieving culture, consistently achieving good results in attainment, well above national attainment and in line with or above LA attainment. Academic achievement of all pupils is expected so that each child reaches their full potential but we also value and reward each child’s achievement in other aspects of their learning. Each child is valued as an individual with his/her special abilities, gifts, needs and personalities. Each child has equal access to all aspects of school life. Pupils with SEND are carefully monitored and additional support is offered to provide them with key knowledge and skills, enabling them to achieve the best possible outcomes. Each child is well prepared for the next transitional stage in their education and for a life in a modern democratic society.