Welcome to F2 Ladybirds

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Class Teachers Mrs Raynor and Mrs Crutchley

Teaching Assistants Mrs S Kelly, Mrs Worthington, Mrs L Sanderson, Ms J Jones, Mrs V Boatwright

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to Foundation 2 Ladybirds at Ladymount! I am so excited that I will be your children’s teacher this year. I cannot wait to get to know the children and begin our learning journey together. I have been so impressed with the way they have settled and they are keen and ready to learn. It looks set to be a great year! This year group page should provide you with important information about life in F2 for your child and should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange to speak to me .

Useful information at a glance:


Morning drop off: 8.50am - 9.00am

Afternoon collection: 3.15 pm


Tuesday and Wednesday Children will come to school wearing their PE kit on these days


Homework will be set on Monday to be completed by Friday. Details of homework will be sent to parents directly via the memo section of the Tapestry app.


Reading activities will be sent home in your child’s book bag on Monday to be returned on Friday. Your child will have a reading record book in their book bag. Please write a comment to let us know how your child has managed with their reading work each week.

Library Books:

Children will have the opportunity to choose their own book from our library to share with grown ups at home each week. Library books will be sent home in your child’s book bag on Monday to be returned in their book bag on Friday.


Children will bring book bags in on Friday, leave them in school over the weekend and take them home on Monday.

Useful links: